Aura Photo of Lighthouse Bottle
When I created, with the Divine Masters and Angelic Realm, the Heavenly Vibrations Elixirs of Light frequency range, I received a Vision to create also an energetic formula to assist us to raise the frequency of Love in our homes and land, called "The Lighthouse".
By consciously connecting together homes, work-places or other environments it was seen that the “Lighthouse” would assist to create an energetic Grid of All-loving Light around New Zealand (and hopefully the world).
Providing energetic support for families and communities, it also brings into focus the understanding that we are all connected and part of the whole!
From this Vision, the Lighthouse bottle was created… once placed in a home environment, the Lighthouse starts working and connecting in with other Lighthouses. Expanding out and raising the home environment to the highest possible frequency of All-loving Light.
Once the home had reached it fullest potential, its All-loving Light will continue to cascade out into the surrounding neighbourhood, thus creating living “Lighthouses” to uplift all who are in their path.
Imagine what could be done if millions of homes throughout the world committed to being true "Houses of Light"... consciously connecting together! Like a ripple created by a single pebble thrown into a pond, slowly but surely, the energy of the surrounding areas or even whole countries could be uplifted into a more loving, caring, community atmosphere.
This Project is not something that I can do on my own! I need help to get Project Lighthouse up and running… all you have to do to be part of it is to purchase a Lighthouse bottle, place it anywhere in your home environment and the Lighthouse will do the rest!
Click here to Purchase Your
Lighthouse© bottle Now