Dates for Health and Vitality
Health and Vitality

Dates... ha, not the dating a girl or guy kind of date but dates that you eat... amazing how my clients provide snippets of information that are beneficial for health ... dates being one of them.
So hearing about the man who eats four dates for health reasons before bedtime, I checked out the nutritional content on the web and wow; was blown away by the health benefits which include help with constipation, intestinal disorders, diarrhoea, anaemia, heart problems, sexual dysfunction, abdominal cancer, night blindness, strengthening bone and fighting off debilitating diseases like osteoporosis and help with seasonal allergies, to name but a few!
It seems they are rich in oil and essential minerals such as calcium, sulphur, iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper, magnesium and zinc. They also contain vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamins A and K. Apparently they also provide a good source of energy, sugar and fibre.
So, check them out on the web and, if it feels right, decide to add a few to your diet today.