How to Use in a Clinic Environment:
At the beginning of the session, get the clients to intuitively choose a bottle... I often refer to them as "focus" bottles and always explain that by the bottle they choose, you will be able to pin-pointing underlying emotional problems needing to be cleared. Then get them to hold the bottle that has been choosen, close to the body around the stomach area, while they are explaining the reasons for attending. The bottles are a wonderful focus aid and help provide comfort and support through the communication process... it also gives the hands something to hold which can prove beneficial when trauma is present.
Usually by the time they have expressed the reason for requiring a session, the bottle will have completed its healing and cleared surface "stuff" and obstacles preventing the person from opening up to receive (likened to allowing a door to open to enable them to communicate their deepest trauma or fears thus enabling a "deeper" healing to occur).
Once the bottle has completed the healing, it will literally feel "without energy" at which time you will find that they will instinctively want to put the bottle down, or will not be drawn to keep holding the bottle.
Note: For a deeper healing or when people are aware of their own energy field, get them to tune in, as well, to how they are "energetically" feeling prior to the session. Then get them to imagine that they are travelling down through their head into their spine and connecting into the bottle that they are holding, from the inside. Once the bottle feels "without energy" get them to tune in again to see or feel the shifts that energetically have already occurred.
If they are drawn to more than one bottle, get them to hold the one sighted first and then proceed with holding the other bottles, in the order that they are picked.
Bottles can also be held by the clients through the healing process or held in the practitioner's hand and used in a similar way to working with crystals.
Once the healing session is over, you may like to discuss with the client the benefis of taking home an Elixir to help continue the process that has been carried out that day. Purchases can be supplied by you or bottles can be purchased through the web.