Dual Energy Healing:
Distant Healing (also known as absent Healing or remote healing) is when a healing session is done "over a distance" by a healer, without the person having to be "present" with them.
The effect of the healing is the same (and can even be more powerful).
All that is required for the session is for permission to be given by the person concerned that they wish to have a healing session.
Benefits to be gained by receiving a distant healing are:
- No travel costs or loss of valuable family or work time.
- Tracks down and releases negative emotions, old patterns and beliefs (often unknown by you)
blocking your path or impacting on your emotional health and well-being. - Balances, harmonizing and revitalizes your energy systems to help you cope “better”
with work, family life, relationships and life in general - Increase physical health and vitality
- genetic patterning/health issues
- emotional patterns or beliefs, traumas, fears, etc.
- pre-birth/early childhood
- past life experiences
How the healing sessions are carried out:
All that is required from you is to contact me by email to request a healing session. You will then be forwarded a payment request. Following payment, a session time will be arranged to carry out the distance healing session. A photo is beneficial (although not required). Following the session, I will email you relevant information that I received through the session.
Booking a Distant Healing Session:
For further information or to book a session, either email suzanne@heavenlyvibrations.co.nz
Or alternatively contact her on Mobile 021 146 9185
Costs: 1 hour session $130.00
All consultations are payable in advance and can be easily paid on-line. Once payment is received, you will receive a confirmation of the arranged appointment time.